For A Fistful Of Dollars: The Weird And Wonderful World Of Fiverr

Money has lost its value for many people in Finland. After a few years, prices that seemed absurd at first become entirely acceptable (“€6 for a piece of carrot cake, I don’t see why not?”). I’d have said until quite recently that $5 was a pittance. Then I learnt about Fiverr’s incredible potential.

Fiverr is an online marketplace for services where individuals may offer their talent for just $5. Some of these micro-services are quite simple: submit a portrait for a Photoshop makeover (guarantEED to reverse all 7 signs of ageing)); gain some much-needed Likes for a barren Facebook hamster page. Others are a little more inventive (though I do worry about this user’s diet).

We at Microtask are always happy to provide the crowd with a chance. With $50, we decided to see what money can get you. Are you ready?


An epic soundtrack is required for every major project. Microtask needed an official song for Fiverr to finally have one (plus, what’s wrong with more lyrics about document processing):

Isn’t it clever? What about a Microtask version of Yellow Submarine for those who want their pop to be a little more “vintage”? Two Fiverr users created and performed the music and lyrics:

I think you’ll agree that it’s a one-of-a-kind musical experience.

The good the bad and the Photoshopped

We quickly discovered that certain Fiverr users are more dedicated than others. For example, we think this photo from Times Square is genuine…

But it’s a shame because the “true” Monkey Sock photograph isn’t quite as convincing. Someone still needs to read Photoshop For Dummies…

Other contestants included Microtask’s mark on a variety of hot beverages…

… harbour art (I can hardly contain my excitement)…

…and street signs.

Another main drawback of Fiverr was its lack of dependability. Three of our orders were cancelled, and three were so late that we gave up on them. Pity, we were really hoping for a hand-drawn version of our logo in the style of Away We Go.

So, after all of that, I guess we’ll just have to drink our coffee and listen to our soon-to-be-famous hits while consoling ourselves with a trip to Los Angeles to see the conclusion:

Now that’s $5 well spent.

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